We are delighted to announce the launch of the Waterloo and South Bank Health and Wellbeing Grant Fund 2024, funded by Lambeth Together and managed by South Bank & Waterloo Neighbours.
The scheme will fund projects supporting the general health and wellbeing of people living in the Waterloo and South Bank Ward and the area of Kennington Ward immediately alongside the Waterloo Ward. Projects must be predominantly for benefit of people living in this part of Lambeth, though people from nearby areas may also take part. Projects working with those in particular need will be especially welcome, but so will projects that more generally encourage community health and wellbeing.
Who may apply? Charities, community groups, residents groups or individuals may apply, as long as the project proposed has a clear community benefit.
Grant Size. Applications may be for amounts from £500 up to £8,000. We are keen to encourage new projects as well as support successful existing ones, and applications for smaller projects will be treated as seriously as larger ones. The total amount available for distribution is £50,000.
THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS is 11 p.m. on Monday 26 February. Decisions will be made by a panel drawn from the local community and their decision will be final. The aim will be to decide and communicate which projects have been accepted, within 3 weeks of that date. Projects must be completed by the end of March 2025.
To apply, please go to: www.sowneighbours.org/grants. There you can see a map of the area covered and click through to the application form.
If you know of others who might be interested in this opportunity, please do circulate this information. And if you have any questions, please contact hwgrants@sowneighbours.org.