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What We and our Members Do

SoWN and the many organisations who are part of it work on a wide range of issues that support and strengthen our community. SoWN is the sum of all that everyone in the community does to create a caring, friendly, supportive, vibrant and exciting area.

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Having a Say in Planning

Our Planning Group looks at all significant planning proposals, alerts people potentially affected, and formally comments where we feel the policies in the Neighbourhood Plan needs to be considered. To see these policies, click here...


To see current major developments in the area, click here...

Waterloo Community Development Group is a member organisation that takes a particular role in reviewing planning proposals.

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Environment & Greening

The Neighbourhood Plan protects open spaces. It says major developments should allow easy pedestrian access to open space. It encourages green roofs or other measures to help fight climate change, and where new trees are impracticable says planters, rain gardens or green walls should be considered. It also seeks to improve air quality and reduce pollution from vehicles. To see the Plan's environmental policies in full, click here...

Our Environment Group is looking at how all these aims can be taken forward. To see current programmes, click here...


For other community groups active on environmental projects in the area, click here...

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Use of Development Funds

All major building developments have to pay what is called a Community Infrastructure Levy, to compensate for their possible impacts. As we now have a Neighbourhood Plan, a quarter of this levy comes to our area.

Our Planning Gain Group regularly updates a list of potential projects for these funds. To see the Plan policies click here...  To see the project list, click here...


Community Services

The Neighbourhood Plan supports the need for community hubs such as Waterloo Action Centre and Living Space, and cultural spaces like the Leake St arches. To see the plan policies, click here...

For links to a range of community services provided by organisations in the area, click here...



Housing and Homes

Affordable housing is usually developed on site. In exceptions where that can't happen, the Neighbourhood Plan says thought should be given to making neighbourhood land available to a local designated Community Land Trust which can partner with a registered housing provider for other affordable housing. To see the Plan policies click here...

Our Planning Group looks at all new housing schemes to continue making the case for local genuinely affordable housing.

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Business & Retail

Lower Marsh is our high street. The Neighbourhood Plan aims for a mix of shops and cafes. Retail space shouldn't be converted to residential, The plan argues for workspace that can be divided for flexible use and co-working, and developments which generate local jobs, apprenticeships, training and work placements. To see the Plan policies, click here...

The area contains two Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) that local businesses can join:  WeAreWaterloo BID and South Bank BID.  Additionally, the South Bank Employers' Group represents the many organisations based along the South Bank. 


Hotels & Tourism

Our area has many big hotels. The Neighbourhood Plan says they should offer benefits to the wider community - like function rooms, cinemas, gyms and swimming pools. They should limit catering so guests eat and drink at local restaurants, cafes and bars, employ local people when possible and have shop fronts onto the street. To see the Plan Policies, click here...


Our Planning Group looks at new hotel proposals to see how they contribute to the community.



© 2023 South Bank & Waterloo Neighbours, registered charity 1189832

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