Planning & Development
This is an area where major developments are happening all the time. This is understandable and inevitable in an area which is such an important transport hub, and which the London Plan identifies as one of key economic opportunity. A key part of our work is to review major planning proposals to ensure neighbours are alerted, and that proposals meet the aims of the Neighbourhood Plan.
At the South Bank and Waterloo Forum in Dec 2023, Chris Bagot gave an overview of the major planning issues for 2024
You can see his presentation here.
SCROLL DOWN to see major proposed developments and how we have responded. Click on the title of a development to see the developer's own website if there is one.
If you are interested in joining SoWN's Planning Group, please contact us.
A key part of our work is ensuring that Section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy funding is used in ways which reflect SOWN's priorities. To see our draft policy on Section 106 and CIL funding click here.
We recently responded to Lambeth's strategic policy on Affordable Workspace. Our response is here
The Neighbourhood Plan includes a list of projects we have identified as priorities for Section106 & Community Infrastructure Levy funding from developments. The list (updated October 2021) can be seen here.
Developer: Mitsubishi Estates and Co-Re
Status: Pre-application public consultation
This proposal replaces the former ITV building with a building combining substantial public space and retail at lower levels, with a very large office offer above. It would become by some way the largest structure on the South Bank. The developer states that it will be operationally zero carbon. SoWN will be involved in public consultations and will express views as appropriate.
Developer: Bourne Capital
Status: Pre-Application Consultation
SoWN has participated in several public consultation meetings with the developer and one with the Council. Amongst other comments we have emphasised: the substantial bulk of the building, the narrowness of the pavement along Waterloo Road, the importance of enlivening the side facing Cornwall Road and the relationship with the adjoining Union Jack Club. We have welcomed the developer's commitment to making the building operationally net zero carbon. We have also welcomed the developer's willingness to fund a full public consultation for the re-design of Emma Cons Gardens, facing the Old Vic, and to fund its implementation as part of its Section 106 commitment.
Emma Cons Gardens Re-design
Community-led re-design of this important public space
Emma Cons Gardens is a key public open space in the heart of Waterloo, but is in clear need of redesign and improvement. A Steering Group has been formed to drive this forward, comprising an array of local stakeholders, from local residents' representatives to local property owners. They will work together towards the planning submission for a new scheme for the Gardens. For more information, click here.
Wootton Street Housing
Developer: Homes for Lambeth
Status: Planning Application submitted April 2021
SoWN has informally expressed concern about: potential impact on light and overlooking for neighbouring residents, the inappropriate design for the site, and potential construction disruption, particularly if at same time as OCCC Estate construction. We are considering formally objecting.
Developer: Wolfe; & Stanhope Properties
Status: Initial proposals withdrawn after building was given Grade 2 listed status. New, reduced scheme currently under public consultation.
SoWN has looked at the environmental aspects of the proposal. We have also stressed the critical importance of local consultation, particularly about construction phase and traffic. Overall we welcome the more modest alterations now proposed. One other important alteration is the removal of the vehicle ramp and making the building more publicly transparent by bringing the reception down to ground level.
Evelina Children's Hospital
Developer: Guys & St Thomas Trust
Status: Pre-Application consultation
This development on the triangle site alongside the existing children's hospital, will more than double the facilities available. While the need for this expansion is recognised, concerns have been expressed about the scale of the building, its impact on Lambeth Palace Road and its relationship to Archbishop's Park. SoWN has been involved in public consultations, but has not yet made formal comments.
97-99 Lower Marsh (Boots site)
Developer: Ruby Hotel Group
Status: Planning Application submitted December 2020
This building would replace the existing 1960s Boots building, with retail at ground level and an extension to the Ruby Hotel above. While SoWN would welcome an improved building on this site, it regrets the lack of public consultation for a prominant building in this most important shopping street in Waterloo. We regret the loss of office and retail floor area and the addition of further hotel rooms in the area. We question the appropriateness of the arched window form, which is not characteristic of the area. As yet we have not expressed a formal position on the proposal.
121 Westminster Bridge Road (London Necropolis Railway Building)
Developer: ?
Status: Planning Application submitted Dec 2020
Built in 1902 as the headquarters and entrance to the London Necropolis Railway, this distinctive building continued as offices after the railway closed after bombing in 1942. This application is to convert is to 6 residential apartments. SoWN has not expressed a view on the proposal, which represents a loss of office space in the Central Activities Zone. We also are concerned to ensure historic elements of the building are fully respected. For a short history of the London Necropolis Railway, click here.
Developer: PPH Group
Status: Planning Application submitted
PPHE Hotel Group propose a multi-purpose development on this vacant site. Alongside a ’compact lifestyle’ hotel, there will be two storeys of office space, including affordable workspace, a multi-zonal bar, cafe and flexible co-working space .
SoWN would welcome appropriate proposals for this site, but was extremely concerned at the scale and character of the building, relative to its surroundings. It therefore formally objected to this scheme. Sown's formal objection can be read here.
Marlin Hotels, 89-95 Westminster Bridge Road
Developer: Marlin Hotels
Status: Application Rejected
The proposed development is for mixed use comprising 20 boutique hotel rooms and six residential units together with a wine bar/restaurant.
The building, currently occupied by Natwest bank, is a locally listed late Victorian block constructed in 1894 and has a very elegant façade.
SoWN welcomed the restoration of this important building and the provision of active frontages to Westminster Bridge Road. However, we made clear our serious concerns about the loss of the last remaining bank in the Neighbourhood.
The proposal was rejected by Lambeth largely on the basis that the additional hotel rooms would have an adverse effect on the balance of uses in the area.
Developer: H B Reavis
Status: Approved
This very large scheme for retail and offices will stretch along the south side of York Road, from the Victory Arch of Waterloo Station, along to Leake Street. It will include new access routes to the station and a new shopping parade between it and the former Waterloo International Terminal. Part of it's Section 106 funds will be used to reshape and improve the public space between it, the Victory Arch and the railway arches of the lines coming from Charing Cross.
SoWN's primary focus is on the public realm and environmental aspects of this development, and concern about the potential impact of those working in it on the use of the limited green spaces in the area.
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