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SoWN News 26 March 2024

Welcome to your South Bank and Waterloo Neighbours newsletter.

This newsletter contains:

  • Save out South Bank

  • Waterloo and South Bank Health and Wellbeing Grants Awarded

  • Waterloo Station Masterplan

  • Coin Street Survey

  • Lambeth Social Innovation Partnership

  • Lambeth Consultation on Site Allocations Development Plan Document (SADPD)

  • Events at Brixton Windmill

Save Our Southbank seek judicial review for 72 Upper Ground

Save Our Southbank, along with partners in the area, are raising money to fund a judicial review of the Secretary of State's decision to grant planning permission to Mitsubishi Estate to redevelop the former London Television Studios site.

You can donate to the fund here. Thanks for any support you can give.


Waterloo and South Bank Health and Wellbeing Grants Awarded

We’re delighted to announce that the Waterloo and South Bank Health and Wellbeing grants, funded by Lambeth Together and run by SoWN, have now been awarded. Interest in the programme was high, with 41 applications for a very wide range of projects, requesting around £210,000 of funding. This meant, sadly of course, that the judging panel had to say no to many good and worthwhile project ideas.

However, grants totalling £50,000 have been made to 12 excellent projects that will contribute to the overall health and wellbeing of many who live in the area. Activities will include youth sports, chair pilates for older residents, digital skills support, sewing skills, gardening, support for significantly disadvantaged young people, help for parents of neurodivergent children, activities for socially isolated residents and support for the homeless. And they will take place at venues from Chandler Hall in the south of the area all the way up to Colombo Centre in the north. The projects will be implemented through the coming year, and we will be reporting back on them in due course. We wish them all every success.

Afro-Brazilian Arts Exchange

Engaging excluded young people in dance

Bankside Open Spaces Trust

Gardening for wellbeing at Millennium Green

China Walk TRA 

Chair Pilates

Clear Community Web

Digital skills support

Coin St Community Builders

Working with neurodivergent children and parents

London Dreamtime

Story-telling workshops for people experiencing structural inequalities

Oasis Hub

Support for parents & caregivers in low-income households

Regan’s Soccer School 

Free football training for young people

The Bridge at Waterloo

Wellbeing Club


Support for teenagers with special educational needs

Waterloo Action Centre

Sewing Group expert support

Webber St Homeless Day Centre

Upgrade of consulting rooms


Waterloo Station Masterplan

At the Forum on 21st March we had a good presentation about the Waterloo Station Masterplan. We think the plan is exciting - it has the potential to transform our neighbourhood.

You can see what is proposed here.

The Plan is being overseen by Lambeth Council, and their officers welcome your comments. You can send an email to Alessia Montero Castro with any comments:


Have your say in the Coin Street survey

You’re invited to have your say in the Coin Street survey. The results of the survey will tell help Coin Street to understand your experience in the community and help them improve their services for the future.

Your opinion really does matter and you can be totally honest - The results will be viewed anonymously.

The survey closes at 23:59 on Friday 29 March. 

Completing the survey will help to shape the development and improvement of your community and you’ll be entered into a draw to win one cash prize of £250 or one of 4 cash prizes of £50!

Lambeth Social Innovation Partnership

Lambeth Council has commissioned The Social Innovation Partnership (TSIP) to conduct a series of independently facilitated focus groups with Voluntary and Community Sector groups in Lambeth to gather a deep understanding of the voluntary and community sector's needs, priorities, and opportunities. The purpose of these focus groups is to inform the retender of a new Voluntary and Community Sector infrastructure support that focuses on growth, innovation and sustainability of the Voluntary and Community Sector in Lambeth. The council particularly wants to ensure that hidden and lesser-heard voices are embedded within the process of designing future infrastructure support.

The final focus group will be held on Thursday March 28th 7-8:30pm [In person - venue TBA]


To compensate for your time, TSIP will offer focus group participants a £15/hour contribution (or equivalent) for your expertise and insight. To sign up for a focus group please contact with your preferred dates.


Lambeth Consultation on Site Allocations Development Plan Document (SADPD)

Consultation on the Site Allocations Development Plan Document Proposed Submission Version (SADPD PSV) follows on from a previous consultation on the Draft Site Allocations Development Plan Document under Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 which ran from 10 January to 22 February 2022. The representations received during this consultation have been considered by Officers and informed the SADPD PSV. 


The SADPD PSV proposes site-specific planning policies for thirteen sites in Lambeth distributed across the borough. 


Once adopted, the SADPD will form part of the statutory development plan for Lambeth, which comprises the London Plan 2021, the Lambeth Local Plan 2021 (PDF 16.4MB) and the Southbank and Waterloo Neighbourhood Plan (PDF 5MB). The SADPD will help deliver homes and workspaces, secure benefits for communities and seek to improve the quality of places and the environment in Lambeth. 


To view the SADPD PSV and associated evidence, please visit the Site Allocations Development Plan Document webpage. Read the formal consultation statement.


All representations received will be shared with the Government appointed Inspector who in due course will undertake the Examination of the Site Allocations Development Plan Document. 


You can have your say by completing the online survey here. You can also submit comments by email at


The consultation closes on 3 May


Events at Brixton Windmill

Brixton Windmill's first Open Weekend of the season is 30/31 March - the windmill will be open for pre booked (and drop in) tours here.


Easter Family Day - Sunday 31 March, 1pm to 5pm, details here.


Spring Family Baking Workshop - Sunday 14 April, 10.30am, details here.


We're always looking for community news for the SoWN newsletter. If you have anything to be included, please email

If you would like to volunteer to be part of editorial team please email

© 2023 South Bank & Waterloo Neighbours, registered charity 1189832

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